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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Steeler Steals My (non-bi-racial) Heart

Super Bowl XLV (or forty-five for you non-roman-numeral-reading people): My team (STEELERS BABY)  is playing/ played, depending on when I post this. A little fun fact for you, one of my favorite player on the team (mostly just because he’s half) is half Korean J. YAY! Who is this NFL player who promotes bi-racial-ness? He’s number 86 on the team so watch out for him on offense as one of the team’s wide receivers. “Ward, who was born in Seoul to a Korean mother and an African-American soldier father, and was raised mainly in Georgia by his mother.” (source link)

Racism in Korea  (and America, for that matter) hurt children as they grow up and put a dent in their self-confidence. Ward tries to help bi-racial kids from South Korea to realize they are just as special as every-other non-mixed person (see the earlier source link).

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mary Music

What's with the music in this show?!?!?! really....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Asian Grown Designers

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while; I've been busy with school. First, I'd like to start off with saying, if you find this interesting, go to my tumblr, because I post a lot with that :). 

I read an interesting article recently about the First Lady's "Signals in a Red Dress" at the state dinner.  Focusing on designers, the article talks about different people at the dinner, read it here
Mrs. Obama wore a red silk organza dress, with a streaky print of black petals, by Sarah Burton of the London house Alexander McQueen.

So today is a spotlight on Asian Grown Designers (specifically the men)! Side Note: I just want to say how awesome Vera Wang is! :). 

>Richard Chai (who, this past fashion week, won for men’s wear) 
Richard Chai Love Fall 2009 Ready-to-Wear
I'm actually loving these boots so much!
Hello there! So, leather jackets = :). red pants, slightly questionable
I absolutely love this guy, he just looks good and rocks everything he does! He has a line for target that set out during 2008. His clients include: Kate Hudson, Blake Lively, Sarah Jessica Parker, Christina Ricci
After helping launch the Marc by Marc Jacobs line and revamping a tired TSE, Richard Chai introduced his eponymous line of highly tailored, quietly feminine pieces to industry raves in 2004. An Ecco Domani Award followed a year later, but it wasn’t until 2008 that Chai’s work reached new heights—he launched a menswear line, designed a capsule collection for Target, and made it into the CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund’s top ten finalists. Referenced as one of the “new Asian” influences on modern design (alongside fellow up-and-comers Derek Lam and Peter Som), Chai creates casual clothes that pair surprising fabrics—like silks mixed with wools and twill with georgette—reined in with architectural touches like French seams and origami folds, earning his work a reputation for minimalist, menswear-inspired touches.
> Jason Wu (most famous for women’s wear)
Many may know him as the man who designed the dress that our First Lady wore on inauguration night.

Alexander Wang ( a leader in designing accessories). Who also designed the dress on Michelle Obama in the above picture.


Some of Wang's clients include the Olsen Twins, Fergie, Demi Lovato, and Lauren Conrad. He focuses on geometric shapes and does a lot with cut-outs! :).

credit: New York Times,