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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Taeyang Releases International Album

August 25, you know what that means! Taeyang, Taeyang Taeyang. Wow.

So he released his international version of solar and it has one of my favorite songs wedding dress in full english. But the funny thing is when i listen to it i still am thinking its korean so i still dont understand all of it. Purchase it on itunes!!!!!!!!!

Also, though i never quite know how, he seems to look good everywhere his videos are shot. This time, featuring a cemetery taeyang's Ill be there in english:

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lucky 7

my number 7 pick for why I love Japan so much is...drum roll...........

#7 Manga, the original Japanese past time, we Americans have football and sure, they are good at baseball but everyone there (probably not) reads manga. And of course watches anime.

note: i didn't make this, credit to

What's your favorite manga??

Miss Universe 2010

83 insanely gorgeous girls fight to be number one hmm sounds like a bad reality TV shows, but alas it's simply a miss universe pageant.

Firstly, congrats to all who won/ competed i mean i wouldn't have the guts to do that. Now how does this have to do with Asia, madmusic? Well, different Asian countries participated and miss Thailand got most photogenic and best costume which was pretty cool and then miss Philippines got 4th runner up.

So let me just say, I don't get why only a few contestants (namely the Hispanic misses and miss Ukraine) got to use their native languages. Because of that, do you think miss Philippines got confused on her question. The only reason i'm asking is because in my opinion her answer wasn't that good, she seemed to have a hard time.

""What is one big mistake you made in your life," Baldwin asked, "and what did you do to make it right?"

The beauty queen would thank the judge for his question, then say "Good evening" to the Las Vegas crowd. 

She attempted to answer the question. "You know what, sir, in my 22 years of existence, I can say there is nothing major, major -- I mean, problems -- that I have done in my life, because I am very confident with my family with the love that they are given to me. So... Thank you so much that I am here! Thank you, thank so much!"

One thing was clear: Miss Philippines 2010 Maria Venus Raj was thankful to be in Las Vegas. 

William Baldwin, in a camera shot near the end of Miss Philippines' answer, had a smirk on his face, as if he knew that Raj's answer was just short of convoluted and meaningless. " (click here for original article)

And miss Thailand in all her glory:

Awesome, right? Well, I think so.... :)

What do you think? Good answer? Bad answer?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's Talk College

So this week I traveled to multiple universities (Yale, Brown and Princeton). This might seem like an ordinary college trip, but it got me thinking about stuff. Actual stuff, like what I want to do with my life. I found the idea of studying abroad awesome and something I'm totally putting on my bucket list! But that wasn't the main reason while im writing this not so intriguing  very intriguing post. There were a lot of asians there and im really not being racist, they all seemed like awesome people and i really liked this one girls outfit! it was like purple and blue flowers but those mechanic-type onsie cami and short are one sort of things. Then, my very loving and completely not mean older sister wanted me to watch The Perfect Score.

You can google it if you don't know what it is but basically kids try to steal the SAT answers etc. etc. And in that movie, the smart one happened to be an asian, coincidence, i think not. But, fighting against many stereotypes, the asian boy/man (not quite sure what a teen is) was a stoner.

That's right folks, he smoked pot. How's that for strict parents. Oh wait, that's right, his parents were dead (well, at least his mom was), so they weren't strict. Personally, he was my favorite character in the movie (besides the whole being a creepy playboy-type person)! So, what did this teach you madmusic? Well, it showed me a new stereotype, the creepy smart stoner asian!!

Japanese Countdown

Let's talk number 8, one of my favourite  favorite things about Japan !! That every person obsessed  interested in Asian things should know about.

#8 ERASERS, yep I have a thing for erasers! And here's why.

Iwako erasers are the best things ever. Look at that!! Doesn't it seem super real? Some of my favorites include:

IWAKO Blue Stapler Mini Eraser-IWAKO Blue Stapler Mini Eraser
IWAKO Giraffe YELLOW Animal Japanese Eraser-IWAKO Giraffe Animal Japanese Eraser Zoo
Iwako Multi Color Pencil Sharpener Eraser-Iwako Multi Color Pencil Sharpener EraserIWAKO Scissors 1 Eraser-japanese erasers, iwako
Iwako TRAFFIC LIGHT Japanese Collectible Eraser-Iwako TRAFFIC LIGHT Japanese Collectible EraserIwako CARTON Red Kids Eraser-Iwako eraser carton red kids

point is, I could go on and on   about erasers. What are your favorites?? Leave a comment below :).

Note: sorry i keep switching from favourite to favorite but i need to stop spelling things the British way

Countdown Continues

If your just tuning in, i'm counting down the reasons why I personally love Japan. Number 10 on the countdown was for it's vast and strange vending machines. Any thing you like about Japan and want me to find out about? Post it in the comments below. Sit back and enjoy number nine.

#9 Their transportation. Now specifically in Tokyo, it's a highly populated city but here are some things that make the commute worth-while.

Pokepark Nagoya Japan Pikachu car
The Pikachu car. I choose you family car!

Let's Talk Japan

So one thing besides my entirely korean best friend (she lived there until 3 grade) that got me into asian stuff was sushi and manga, both hailing from the lovely pacific island(s) of Japan. Now in US history I was a bit surprised with pearl harbor but nonetheless, Japan still remains in my heart and here's why (not in any particular order, but I feel as if I should count down). I'm going to be posting each reason in a different post, so don't feel alarmed there's only one here.

10. Their vending machines. And vending machine-like things.

yes, that is an ice-cream vending machine!

coke robot machine
credit: TV

After the jump be ready for some smart car action and rainy season protection!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

T.O.P's hair

So i realize I'm a bit very past the reveal date of Big Bang's Tell Me Goodbye MV, but I was thinking about T.O.P's new hair. He's my favourite member of big bang and just a plain awesome person (not that I actually have met him, but hes seems cool) and when pictures first came out his hair looked grey: 
Which, personally, I didn't find very attractive. Then, i watched the music video like 4575893467894 times and I now really like it!! Check him out below :) (after the jump)

Let's Talk Stereotypicalness

 My Dad is a Fob, (more reasons to want Asian parents). It's funny! Well I think so. But my main point is not the hilariousness of the website, but stereotypes.  I mean, do all Asian parents spaz out over grades? Do most, if not all Asians like anime/manhwa/manga and cute idol-like images (think hello kitty)? Probably not, but most of my Asian friends do, and they even make jokes about the stereotypes. What do you think, if your Asian friends mock Asian parents or do something that is stereotypical, can you do it to? Or is it only ok for that ethnicity/race to mock themselves? In the meantime while you think that over, enjoy....from so I'm not the speaker in this: 

My friend’s dad is the owner of a Juice It Up! He made the front cover of the menu…

I was eating dinner with the family and I was ranting about the unfair grade I got in class.
Sister: You need to take a chill pill (to me)
Dad: You taking pills? Is that why you doing bad in school?!! Who sold you pills!!! (slams table)
Sister & me: hahaha

Another question to leave you with:
there is a drug addict who also happens to have anger management issues (probably because of rehab and no pills)
they get mad, can you tell them to take a chill pill?? 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

GP Basic has Game

Have you ever heard of GP Basic? You know, the really young group that just debuted with their mv and song "game"? Well I'm trying to figure out what their wearing and i found some things pretty close, but i couldn't really find any good quality videos. So please forgive the low quality! But on a high note, there is a 12 year old in the group, which i don't want her ruining her childhood, but that means that people are starting to take "kids" seriously. Yay, maybe they'll take teenagers seriously too. :) Also, I don't know their names (besides janey the young one) so if anyone knows tell me. :)

Screen shots (sorry i took them myself) followed by what i think i found:

gp basic 1.jpg

girl on the right of the middle (so second from the right, forth from the left):

harem pants, from TOPSHOP: 


Buy link here. If you look on the TOPSHOP website, it seems the closest ones are the Ikat print pants.

girl on far left tank top:

LNA - Black Lace Tank at chickdowntown.comKENNY 5708 BLACK SILK JERSEY LACE TANK
Buy flower one here and other one here

gp basic 2.jpg

the jeans on the girl on the far right look like cheap monday jeans. click here for website

More clothes and the music video after the jump :)

I helped out someone :)

Ok so, I read and follow and I gave them some tips yesterday, I'm afraid many of the tips weren't that helpful, but anyhow they posted a couple of mine on Beast. Yay :). So here's the link, go, visit, show them (and me) some love. CLICK They really do an awesome job so check it out!


Ok, so in the above video the guy on the far right is wearing a to write love on her arms shirt. These are available at Hot Topic! TWLOHA "is a non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and finding help for people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury and suicide. TWLOHA exists to encourage, inform, inspire and also to invest directly into treatment and recovery." taken from  this website.

And to find the shirts: click here
or, like I said, check out Hot Topic! hot topic link here

Watch this EMT and please support the artists and buy Tim Be Told's Cd! :)  Their official website here!
And Ellie and EMT has this website. Or this one. Those two website are and
Spread the love, check 'em out. And if you like that youtube vid, subscribe to them to see more EMT and fun videos!

Friday, August 13, 2010

With all the Vloggers out there, it's still nice to see people taking their time to sit down and write. So to inspire y'all (I'm not southern but still) here's a nice video of a non vlog. (non vlog= nog?). Well I came across this at the time in my life where i really liked llamas. Enjoy :).

First Day

I don't know about you, but I'm never really nervous for the first day of school. Or the first day of anything, really (unless it has to do with sports). It's not that I'm bad at sports, I just feel more unnatural playing sports. Sorry ignore my ADDness.

The point is, Welcome, it's my first day blogging, and your first day reading my blog (well if anyone actually will read this).  How about a picture:

in case you can;t read it, it says "keepin it gansta white girl style". I for one am not keepin it all that gansta, but i do occasionally rap. :)