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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Let's Talk Japan

So one thing besides my entirely korean best friend (she lived there until 3 grade) that got me into asian stuff was sushi and manga, both hailing from the lovely pacific island(s) of Japan. Now in US history I was a bit surprised with pearl harbor but nonetheless, Japan still remains in my heart and here's why (not in any particular order, but I feel as if I should count down). I'm going to be posting each reason in a different post, so don't feel alarmed there's only one here.

10. Their vending machines. And vending machine-like things.

yes, that is an ice-cream vending machine!

coke robot machine
credit: TV

After the jump be ready for some smart car action and rainy season protection!

SMART Car Vending Machine
smart car vending machine?! I mean who thinks of these??

Umbrella Vending Machine
Every scared of rain? this little buddy will do the trick, it's a umbrella vending machine.

For More Japanese Vending Machines:

and a little fact, in Japan the ratio of vending machines to people is 1 : 23

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