So a few days ago when I signed into my aol mail account I found an interesting story. It was about Liu Xiaobo, a jailed Chinese ma, winning the noble peace prize. 
He's described as "chain-smoking" and "leather-jacketed"
Now, that doesn't particularly meet the mold of a "peaceful person". But according to aol, "Liu, who shot to fame as an adviser to the student protesters at Tiananmen Square in 1989, have become symbols of a feisty home-grown human rights campaign that China's authoritarian regime has sought to snuff out." snuff out? an interesting verb choice I might say...
Anyhow, Liu is the first Chinese recipient of the noble peace prize and thus, his news is here...on this blog.
Liu, among being Chinese, is also in jail. That's right an 11 year sentence. So far, Liu is less than a year into his sentence, and the people around him are also being affected.
"Shortly after the Nobel announcement, Liu's wife told Reuters during a phone interview that plainclothes police had arrived at her home to take her away to the prison where her husband is being held so that she wouldn't be able to talk to reporters. 'They are forcing me to leave Beijing,' Liu Xia told the news agency. 'They want to distance me from the media.'"
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