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Saturday, December 4, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I have seen a lot of Asian-ness out there, whether it be at the movie theater (I saw HP7 and Burlesque) or just around! But, instead of reporting (which I feel as if I should), I'm going to give some mini-info non-asian related.

Well, first a little asiangrown something to start (or end) your day:
A very potter musical star (Darren Cris) is on Glee!!! Well, most people probably already know that!!

Also, I found a funny website, but it has nothing to do with asian-ness:

Yesterday's post was:

Dear Girls Above Me,
“So far my biggest disappointment of 2010 was realizing that real bowling is way harder than Wii bowling.” You’ve had a rough year.

and a little k-pop fan-girl spazzing...GD and T.O.P "High High" search it if you do't know what I'm talking about!!!!

Also, Ryan Higa (Nigahiga) released "Agents of Secret Stuff"!!

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