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Monday, July 25, 2011

SNSD's Tiffany was seen on the History Channel

Recently, Tiffany was seen on the History Channel talking about K-pop under an episode titled: South Korea: A Nation to Watch.

Read  more about it (and the video) here:

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Korean Movies

So, recently I have watched a bunch of Korean movies. I recommend all of them, and you can find reviews, subtitles and summaries on My reviews :)

1. Antique Bakery 3/5 stars

     I liked Antique Bakery, but honestly the ending was the best part. The climax of the story appeared too far towards the end and I wasn't really interested all that much until it. I think the gay character in the movie is a little over done, and I could use without the french guy, Jean. Overall, the child/teen character (who, the actor also appears in Sunkyunkwang Scandal) was my favorite character. Also, warning: it will make you want to eat lot of cake. I appreciate the depth the script-writer was trying at, but I don't think it was as effective as it could have been. For fans Of: Kurt on Glee, Personal Preference, Coffee Prince

2. My Sassy Girl 4.5/5
    My Sassy Girl is a nice romantic comedy that shows what Korean movies are about. I found it really funny and enjoyed how playful the characters interacted. Warning: do not watch the American version! I hear it is really bad (I personally have not seen it, but Korean customs just get lost in a new format). One thing to keep in mind while watching this movie is that it was made a while ago (by a while I mean early 2000's).
For Fans Of: 100 Days w/ Mr. Arrogant, Hello Schoolgirl, Marrying the Mafia

3. 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant 4/5 
    I found the start of this movie to be really hilarious, but it lost momentum as it continued on. The relationship between the main characters progress a bit too fast in my taste and I think it would have been better split up into 2 or 3 movies. I did like the characters, especially how mischievous the main boy is, but I am kind of sick of having stupid female roles (e.g. Playful Kiss). I enjoyed the irony of the title and the circumstance that caused her and him to get together. One thing I like is how the main male finds a nicer side to him by the end. For Fans Of: Playful Kiss, My Sassy Girl, Seducing Mr. Perfect

4. My Boyfriend is Type B 2.5-3/5
    Honestly, I couldn't sit all the way through this movie. One reason is because the sound anywhere with English subs is messed up, another is because I really just want to slap the main guy. I know that is the point, but I just can't understand how the female lead could fall in love with him. He's homeless, a jerk, steals her money, etc. Again with the stupid women. I really want to see a movie that is a girl type B and maybe an AB guy, I think that would be interesting. Though the main characters seem to lack depth to me, I really liked the cousin's character. She was the voice of reason for the majority of the movie (mind you, I only saw the first five (5) parts out of eight (8), so my judgement may be a little out of sync). 
For Fans Of: 100 Days W/ Mr. Arrogant, I honestly have no idea, maybe people who like Chris Brown hitting Rihanna.... 

5. Baby and me 4.5/5
    I really liked this movie! I love Jang Geun-Suk, I loved him in You're Beautiful and adored him (not so much his character) in Mary Stayed Out All Night. I think he looks fabulous in this movie! It was made in 2008, so that means he was 21ish so he was adorable. I really liked the ending of this movie; what was a cute movie found some profound-ness and depth. I think the female lead fit the part really well. The only I wish was that the movie was longer so we could see his relationship with the baby a little more. Also, some things are not explained, like how even though he is only left with $100 (watch the movie and you'll understand), he somehow manages to by all these things for the baby. For Fans Of: 200 Pound Beauty, Hello Baby (show)

Movies I am Planning on watching (Tearjerkers): The Classic, A Moment to Remember

Monday, July 11, 2011

Teen Vogue and South Korea

As a reader of Teen Vogue I've been super excited for all the South Korean/ K-pop references that show up in the magazine. This past Feburary 2NE1 was mentioned in the magazine.  They were commenting on the style of South Korea and said “…but the younger set are feeling rock-chic right now and are likely to be dressed in , say, a Junya Watanabe jumper with an Alexander Wang tee (see the pop band 2NE1).”  
Then in June, the Wonder Girls got a whole page to themselves. 

Then, I recently read the June edition, and they interviewed one of their models. She was talking about her style for the first day of school and commented, saying she would love to wear a pair of her own personalized converses that have a skull with star eyes after her favorite band, Big Bang. (FYI she is Asian)