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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Korean Movies

So, recently I have watched a bunch of Korean movies. I recommend all of them, and you can find reviews, subtitles and summaries on My reviews :)

1. Antique Bakery 3/5 stars

     I liked Antique Bakery, but honestly the ending was the best part. The climax of the story appeared too far towards the end and I wasn't really interested all that much until it. I think the gay character in the movie is a little over done, and I could use without the french guy, Jean. Overall, the child/teen character (who, the actor also appears in Sunkyunkwang Scandal) was my favorite character. Also, warning: it will make you want to eat lot of cake. I appreciate the depth the script-writer was trying at, but I don't think it was as effective as it could have been. For fans Of: Kurt on Glee, Personal Preference, Coffee Prince

2. My Sassy Girl 4.5/5
    My Sassy Girl is a nice romantic comedy that shows what Korean movies are about. I found it really funny and enjoyed how playful the characters interacted. Warning: do not watch the American version! I hear it is really bad (I personally have not seen it, but Korean customs just get lost in a new format). One thing to keep in mind while watching this movie is that it was made a while ago (by a while I mean early 2000's).
For Fans Of: 100 Days w/ Mr. Arrogant, Hello Schoolgirl, Marrying the Mafia

3. 100 Days With Mr. Arrogant 4/5 
    I found the start of this movie to be really hilarious, but it lost momentum as it continued on. The relationship between the main characters progress a bit too fast in my taste and I think it would have been better split up into 2 or 3 movies. I did like the characters, especially how mischievous the main boy is, but I am kind of sick of having stupid female roles (e.g. Playful Kiss). I enjoyed the irony of the title and the circumstance that caused her and him to get together. One thing I like is how the main male finds a nicer side to him by the end. For Fans Of: Playful Kiss, My Sassy Girl, Seducing Mr. Perfect

4. My Boyfriend is Type B 2.5-3/5
    Honestly, I couldn't sit all the way through this movie. One reason is because the sound anywhere with English subs is messed up, another is because I really just want to slap the main guy. I know that is the point, but I just can't understand how the female lead could fall in love with him. He's homeless, a jerk, steals her money, etc. Again with the stupid women. I really want to see a movie that is a girl type B and maybe an AB guy, I think that would be interesting. Though the main characters seem to lack depth to me, I really liked the cousin's character. She was the voice of reason for the majority of the movie (mind you, I only saw the first five (5) parts out of eight (8), so my judgement may be a little out of sync). 
For Fans Of: 100 Days W/ Mr. Arrogant, I honestly have no idea, maybe people who like Chris Brown hitting Rihanna.... 

5. Baby and me 4.5/5
    I really liked this movie! I love Jang Geun-Suk, I loved him in You're Beautiful and adored him (not so much his character) in Mary Stayed Out All Night. I think he looks fabulous in this movie! It was made in 2008, so that means he was 21ish so he was adorable. I really liked the ending of this movie; what was a cute movie found some profound-ness and depth. I think the female lead fit the part really well. The only I wish was that the movie was longer so we could see his relationship with the baby a little more. Also, some things are not explained, like how even though he is only left with $100 (watch the movie and you'll understand), he somehow manages to by all these things for the baby. For Fans Of: 200 Pound Beauty, Hello Baby (show)

Movies I am Planning on watching (Tearjerkers): The Classic, A Moment to Remember

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