So this week I traveled to multiple universities (Yale, Brown and Princeton). This might seem like an ordinary college trip, but it got me thinking about stuff. Actual stuff, like what I want to do with my life. I found the idea of studying abroad awesome and something I'm totally putting on my bucket list! But that wasn't the main reason while im writing this
not so intriguing very intriguing post. There were a lot of asians there and im really not being racist, they all seemed like awesome people and i really liked this one girls outfit! it was like purple and blue flowers but those mechanic-type onsie cami and short are one sort of things. Then, my very loving and completely not mean older sister wanted me to watch The Perfect Score.
You can google it if you don't know what it is but basically kids try to steal the SAT answers etc. etc. And in that movie, the smart one happened to be an asian, coincidence, i think not. But, fighting against many stereotypes, the asian boy/man (not quite sure what a teen is) was a stoner.
That's right folks, he smoked pot. How's that for strict parents. Oh wait, that's right, his parents were dead (well, at least his mom was), so they weren't strict. Personally, he was my favorite character in the movie (besides the whole being a creepy playboy-type person)! So, what did this teach you madmusic? Well, it showed me a new stereotype, the creepy smart stoner asian!!